Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Balls Match Report

Last night the Balls dusted off the trackies, styled the mullets and donned the Megadeth t-shirts - it was time to play indoor cricket.

Indoor cricket is how the Balls met. It is also how the Balls interacts with a broad range of run-away dads, drug dealers, depressive alcoholics and public servants. It's a social game.

So it was with a whimsical tear in our dreamy eyes that we walked onto Court 3 (the refreshing Coca-Cola court) at Weston Creek indoor sports scene. When we walked off an hour and a half later, the world had changed. We took catches, we made stumpings, we captured wickets and together, The Balls fleeced their opponents for 60 stunning runs in a dazzling partnership which almost awoke one old-time indoor cricket from his alcohol-induced, urine-soaked coma.

Our opponents were mighty*, but they were smitened (I guarantee you that's a word...now). Our victory was complete and glorious#. The Balls had arrived. And yet, we remained humble.

* Our opponents were not mighty. They were rubbish.
# We're not sure who won, we had to leave early to catch the Simpsons.

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