Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Kissing Cousins

Now for something non-cricket related - Ben Cousins.

The former-West Coast star now looks like he may not play AFL next year, but there remains the prospect of the final pre-season draft as well as the possibility of Cousins being picked up by the Eagles on the rookie veterans list (like Ramanauskis).

As an Eagles fan, MC Gregor doesn't think the Eagles should take Cousins back.

As a Cousins fan, MC Gregor doesn't think the Eagles should take Cousins back.

The Club is only starting to pull itself together again after a disasterous 18-24 months which saw us lose our two best players to drugs and Carlton (not sure which is worse) and go from the Penthouse to the outhouse in record time. We can't look back and rely on a 31 year old with dodgey hamstrings and a questionable former-addiction, no matter how bloody brilliant he is.

The Balls also think Cousins needs to get out of Perth. He is exposed to too many 'underground figures' and is under the insane heat of the Perth press (trust the Balls on this, the focus on AFL footballers in Perth is worse than anywhere else). Ideally, Brisbane would pick him up and help look after him, and his family would possibly move to support him (although he should keep away from those troublesome Qld girls who almost ruined Watto's career).

The saddest thing has been the casting of Cousins as an angel, demon, angel and demon respectively. He has an addiction. It is a medical condition, and I'm pretty sure he wishes he didn't have it. AFL is a source of distraction for him, and he is pretty handy at it.

Here's hoping someone picks him up and gives him the support he needs.

Thanks for the memories Cuss!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We can never be lovers